Wednesday, March 2, 2011

That Time of the Month

...for me to post, of course!

I hope you have not been worried that since I hardly ever post that I don't have any fun. There's plenty of that to fit into my 27 hour days!
Let's talk work first.
I started teaching last week and I love it!! Most of my classes are from Freshmen courses, so the onus is definitely on me and my co-teacher to keep the class engaged. But 18 and 19 year olds are not as bad as you might think!
I did the media for this little post on the website. I love getting paid to make comics.

On to fun.

Perhaps it is debatable if visiting Waco is fun. But since I'm a nerd, I wanted to go see the Library of Congress' traveling exhibit. It was parked outside of the Waco Public Library, which was surprisingly nice. The genealogy center was filled with a bunch of big-haired Texas. I thought it would be inappropriate to take a picture.
We decided to look up the highest-rated restaurant in Waco and it was a cheap BBQ place that had a flier on the door that advertised "Concealed Weapon Classes Inside".

Basketball! Apparently UT has a pretty stellar basketball team. There was one point where they were a good 30 points ahead of Iowa. Apparently basketball at UT also involves a floating bottle of barbeque sauce:

This doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but it was fun watching Ghost fight with a gecko.

And I went to Fredericksburg again! It was Part One of Emily's 25th birthday and she wanted to go to the wineries for a little wine tasting.

Ok, a lot of wine tasting.

We were outside at one of the wineries' patio enjoying a bottle in the sun at one point when Mom texted me a photo of the icicles on her car. I was like, Oh yeah, it's winter.

Well, after a few months in my house, I'm moving again! I found a one-bedroom nearby. Usually by the time I get home, all I do is work, so it's about time I have my own place again. And unfortunately for Mom and Dad, what was supposed to be a pleasant vacation in Austin in two weeks now involves helping me move furniture and going to Target for home essentials. You two are the best!!

1 comment:

  1. It's never a bad time to be with Anna, even if Target and IKEA are involved. Dad said recently he wished he was back in Austin, for the heat and for you, Anna!
