Friday, March 2, 2012

A few more pictures

 Pedernales State Park
Since I put something new up on the Craft blog, I thought I'd post a few pictures here.
I went back to Fredericksburg for the THIRD time. Wineries and quaintness keep me coming back. Mom keeps asking for a picture of Emily smiling, so here it is.

 ALA Midwinter Conference
I have officially visited all the major cities of Texas with my trip to Dallas for the Midwinter conference. Here are Michelle and Alexa (Emilia is behind the camera), my lovely trip mates. The conference was so much fun, and Michelle and I were recently accepted to give a "Lightning Talk" at the Texas Library Association conference in Houston in April. Yay us! A lightning talk is a 5 minute forum-type presentation. We'll be presenting on the Mendeley class we are planning for the UT Libraries.

Alexa and I visited the Sixth Floor museum, where Lee Harvey Oswald was when he shot JFK. It was a really fantastic museum. We followed up with a trip to H&M and In-N-Out.

Here is Emily with an oyster in her drink. It looks so disturbing.

A pile of turtles at the turtle pond
ONE MORE WEEK until spring break! Not that it will be much of a break. I have a phone interview on the 9th, so at least my applications are resulting in something! I can't believe how close I am to being an adult again.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Here are some pictures

Some things I've done since oh...November:

Met John Waters

Visited San Fancisco

Went home

Had family time


aaand I got back to work. I'm taking Information Architecture and a class called Technology & Work. My capstone is a collection development project for the UT Libraries. I have applied to 10 jobs. I am always tired. So there you have it. Less than three months, though! I'm so excited to be done.